Kraft Foods changed its corporate logo to, “more clearly deliver delicious,” according to a press release distributed by the company on February 17, 2009. The new logo will be the new icon of the Kraft Foods corporation, not the Kraft consumer products brand. The existing Kraft logo will still be used on cheese and all of those other Kraft products in your refrigerator.
I can understand the reasoning behind separating the brand logo from the corporate logo. In today’s economy, it makes more sense than ever to separate them! However, the new logo for Kraft Foods leaves much to be desired. First, it’s difficult to find the company name within the clutter. In fact, the company name appears like an afterthought.
Read the description of the logo from the Kraft Foods press release:
“The new identity that deliciously features a smile, the natural reaction to delicious foods and experiences, and a colorful flavor burst. It signals to employees, consumers and investors what the new Kraft Foods is all about.”
According to the press release, “to define the new Kraft Foods, the company turned to those who know it best. Using a co-creation process, the company engaged thousands of employees and consumers worldwide. Out of these collaborative sessions, fostered by social networking tools and interactive focus groups, came the new higher purpose and values in action.”
Unfortunately, you can tell by looking at the logo that there were too many chefs in the kitchen and instead of creating a single, powerful icon, a hodgepodge of ideas came together as a big potluck logo. With a myriad of colors, fonts and bits and pieces, the logo is confusing, cluttered and translates as dated rather than modern. The “smile” looks more like a piece of clipart one would find after searching for “party” in PowerPoint’s Clipart package.
Bottom line, I think the idea of a separate logo for Kraft Foods is a good idea, but this logo seems to go in too many directions without making a powerful brand statement that a company with the history, reach and strength of Kraft should communicate.
What do you think?
Susan Gunelius is the author of 10 marketing, social media, branding, copywriting, and technology books, and she is President & CEO of KeySplash Creative, Inc., a marketing communications company. She also owns Women on Business, an award-wining blog for business women. She is a featured columnist for and, and her marketing-related articles have appeared on websites such as,,, and more.
She has over 20 years of experience in the marketing field having spent the first decade of her career directing marketing programs for some of the largest companies in the world, including divisions of AT&T and HSBC. Today, her clients include large and small companies around the world and household brands like Citigroup, Cox Communications, Intuit, and more. Susan is frequently interviewed about marketing and branding by television, radio, print, and online media organizations, and she speaks about these topics at events around the world. You can connect with her on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Google+.
Hello Adele
We are not part of the Kraft family of businesses, but an independent site commenting on corporate websites, so can’t help you with all your questions.
However, I can see the Food and Family magazine here so perhaps there was a problem with their site when you visited before? Do try it again, and see if it is working now.
And I do understand your frustration with their Contact Us/FAQ page, as there is a lot of information there; it might be clearer to have their phone number at the top of the page. The first FAQ on that page is How Do I Contact Kraft, and if you click on that link you will see a phone number here, and also a link to send them an email.
I’m sure someone at Kraft will be able to help when you get through to them.
I cannot get the new online Food and Family magazine to come up on my computer. I also cannot find a number to call and speak to a person about this and another matter.
This probably isn’t your area but help please.
I do not appreciate 68 pages of scripted FAQ when I want to speak with a person. Thank you
Adele Willard
Hi Annatjie – I’m sure Kraft would be pleased to know how much you like their drink mix. Could you contact them direct? Their customer contact page is here, but I can’t find any information about acting as an agent, nor do they seem to do anything in South Africa at the moment. But it’s worth a try…
I find Glenn Beck and his inflammatory program divisive and damaging to the unity of our Nation. With his fanatical comments he incites mob behavior, spreads lies, and spreads hate. Your sponsorship of his program aides and abets him in the spreading of this hatred. I will no longer purchase your products or support your corporation in any other way. -Franklin Valliant
Hi Franklin.
Are you trying to contact Kraft? Their customer contact page is here.
We are not part of the Kraft family of businesses, but an independent site commenting on corporate websites.
I would like to know where I can buy a box of MCP pectin in the area of Sunnyvale California………I want to make a batch of jelly………….I need to find one box of MCP and could not locate it at Safeway or Lucky markets today……… is all I have ever used……..please give me a customer service phone number I can call and speak with a human being……..
Hi Lola
I suggest you call Kraft direct on 1-877-535-5666. I’m sorry I can’t help, but we aren’t part of Kraft here at Corporate Eye.
I like to make jam, though, so I do understand your need for pectin. If you can’t find pectin, could you add some apples to your recipe? That would help the jam to set, though obviously it would change the taste a bit. (Jam in the UK = jelly in the US, I think).
I actually enjoy the new logo. I think the old logo looked way too outdated and boring. The new one I feel looks more modern and “up beat”. I say way to go Kraft, you got my attention!
My husband has worked for Kraft for 10 years. Honestly, I wasn’t even aware the logo had even changed. (That’s how much they involve employees in the process). This is partially due to the fact that Kraft changes its policies (or ignores them) and focus on any given day to appease whatever’s politically correct for the moment. It’s busy, distracts the eye rather than attracts it and that’s not a smile… that’s a menstruating butterfly. In any event, hasn’t this logo changed even further?
Thankfully, the logo has been refined further. Apparently, menstruating butterflies did not appeal to any focus groups.